TI-Nspire applications

SCEC3 - Steel column design in accordance Eurocode 3 

SCEC3 is a software powered by STRUANG. This software allow the design of steel columns in accordance with Eurocode 3. It is very useful for studio and mainly for construction site in order to achieve a quick and precise design of the steel column section. Utilization factor will be provided after calculation. This software is written for TI-Nspire calculators, but can be performed for other calculators. 

Insert free length of the steel column [m]. 

Insert the axial force on steel column.

Insert the bending moment My around Y axis, on the steel column.

Insert the bending moment Mz around Z axis, on the steel column.

Insert the moment of inertia around the Y axis

Insert the elastic/plastic moment W around the Y axis.

Insert the moment of inertia around the Z axis

Insert the elastic/plastic moment W around the Z axis.

Insert area of the steel column.

After the analysis the following results are available: utilization factor of Axial force, bending moment around Y axis, bending moment around Z axis and the biaxial bending + axial force (%).

By clicking on the button at the end of this page you can buy the following Ti-n spire applications for structural engineering:

(A) SCEC3 (Steel columns design)
(B) BD17 (Bolt and steel plate resistance calculation)

(C) RCBD (Reinforced concrete section design) 

(D) WD (Weld base resistance calculation)

(E) Concrete property calculator

(F) BenPlusForce
(G) Masonry17

For purchase the application click on the button at the end of this page.

BD17 - Bolt and steel plate design 

BD17 is a software powered by STRUANG. This software allow the design of bold and steel plates in accordance with Eurocode and Italian NT08. It is very useful for studio and mainly for construction site in order to achieve a quick and precise design of the steel connection. Bolt resistance and all the utilization factors will be provided after calculation. This software is written for TI-Nspire calculators, but can be performed for other calculators. 

Insert shear value on bolt.

Insert tension value acting on bolt.

Insert steel plate thickness.

Insert Steel type.

Insert bolt class.

Insert bolt diameter [mm]. 

Inside the script you can also provide geometric definition of connection in order to verify it. 

After the analysis BD17 provides Shear resistance, tensile resistance, plate resistance and punching shear resistance.

By clicking on the button at the end of this page you can buy the following Ti-n spire applications for structural engineering:

(A) SCEC3 (Steel columns design)
(B) BD17 (Bolt and steel plate resistance calculation)

(C) RCBD (Reinforced concrete section design)

(D) WD (Weld base resistance calculation)

(E) Concrete property calculator

(F) BenPlusForce
(G) Masonry17

For purchase the application click on the button at the end of this page.

BenPlusForce  - Bending moment plus Axial force design RC section

BenPlusForce is a software powered by STRUANG. This software provides reinforced concrete section resistance when bending moment and axial force are combined. Calculation is based on 3rd degree equation of neutral axis. Once the neutral axis is calculated with an iterative process BenPlusForce will provides the resistance of the reinforced concrete section. This software is written for TI-Nspire calculators, but can be performed for other calculators. 

Insert depth of reinforced concrete section [mm].

Insert width of reinforced concrete section [mm].

Insert cover of reinforced concrete section [mm].

Insert reinforcement area in tensile zone [mm^2].

Insert reinforcement area in compression zone [mm^2].

Provide the design value of the bending moment [KNm].

Provide the design value of the axial force [KN].

Provide an initial value of neutral axis [mm]. It could be any value.

By clicking on the button at the end of this page you can buy the following Ti-n spire applications for structural engineering:

(A) SCEC3 (Steel columns design)
(B) BD17 (Bolt and steel plate resistance calculation)

(C) RCBD (Reinforced concrete section design)

(D) WD (Weld base resistance calculation)

(E) Concrete property calculator

(F) BenPlusForce
(G) Masonry17

For purchase the application click on the button at the end of this page.

RCBD - Reinfoced concrete beam design

RCBD is a software powered by STRUANG. This software allow the design of reinforced concrete beam. It is very useful for studio and mainly for construction site in order to achieve a quick and precise design of reinforced concrete section. Bending and shear reinforcement will be provided.  This software is written for TI-Nspire calculators, but can be performed for other calculators. 

Any reinforced concrete section with any limitation to the longitudinal reinforcement quantity and shear reinforcement quantity. Very useful during the design process and for the construction site, in order to assess the bending and shear resistance of the section. This software is made for TI-Nspire applications. 

Cubic resistance of concrete (Rck=0.83 fck)

Reinforced concrete section : Depth of the section

Reinforced concrete section : Width of the section

Cover (distance between concrete border and reinforcement)  

Reinforced concrete section : Number of bars

Reinforced concrete section : Bars diameter definition

Reinforced concrete section : Shear reinforcement, link spacing 

Reinforced concrete section : Shear reinforcement, legs numb.

Reinforced concrete section : Link diameter definition

Reinforced concrete section : Results 1/3

Reinforced concrete section : Results 2/3

Reinforced concrete section : Results 3/3

By clicking on the button at the end of this page you can buy the following Ti-n spire applications for structural engineering:

(A) SCEC3 (Steel columns design)
(B) BD17 (Bolt and steel plate resistance calculation)

(C) RCBD (Reinforced concrete section design)

(D) WD (Weld base resistance calculation)

(E) Concrete property calculator

(F) BenPlusForce
(G) Masonry17

For purchase the application click on the button at the end of this page.

WD - Weld design

WD is a software powered by STRUANG for a quick design of weld. This software provides weld resistance reinforced based on steel strength. This software is written for TI-Nspire calculators, but can be performed for other calculators. 

Insert weld length in [mm] of the weld.

Insert weld thickness [mm].

Insert Steel category (S235 - S275 - S355 - S450).

The software provides the resistance of the weld. 

By clicking on the button at the end of this page you can buy the following Ti-n spire applications for structural engineering:

(A) SCEC3 (Steel columns design)
(B) BD17 (Bolt and steel plate resistance calculation)

(C) RCBD (Reinforced concrete section design)

(D) WD (Weld base resistance calculation)

(E) Concrete property calculator

(F) BenPlusForce
(G) Masonry17

For purchase the application click on the button at the end of this page.

Masonry17  - Verifiche Muratura

Masonry17 è uno strumento utile per il calcolo della rigidezza di un pannello murario e per il calcolo delle sue resistenze rispetto ai diversi meccanismi di rottura 1) Fessurazione diagonale 2)Pressoflessione 3)Slittamento della parete. Fornisce anche le variazioni di rigidezza della parete a seguito della variazione strutturale oppure variazione di rigidezza indotte dall'utilizzo di materiali di consolidamento quali fibre o altro. 

Masonry17 is a tool for TI-Nspire calculator that allows masonry resistance calculation. Based on Italian code D.M. 14.01.2008 Masonry17 provide stiffness variation of a masonry after refurbishment, resistance of three different mechanism: 1) Diagonal Cracking 2) Axial Force + Bending 3) Wall Slip.   

Software molto semplice ed utile soprattutto per indicazioni strutturali veloci. In particolare è possibile valutare l'effetto della variazione di rigidezza apportata da un intervento di consolidamento strutturale. Questo perchè se il consolidamento non apporta un incremento del 15% non si hanno variazioni sostanziali per la struttura dal punto di vista normativo (NTC08).

Masonry property can be define by user or using a traditional Italian typology 

Obviously material properties can be define for a specific case and can be related to a surveys campaign.

The property for material are: 1) compression strength 2) tangential strength 3) Elastic Modulo 4) Tangential Modulo.  

Insert the axial force.

Insert shear force.

Insert masonry type or insert "0" for the user's material definition. Italian code: masonry property defined in the database are related to LC1 as per NTC08.

Insert safety factor for masonry. Italian code: Insert gamma m as per NTC08.

Insert masonry height for stiffness and resistance definition. 

Insert width of masonry for stiffness and resistance definition. 

Insert thickness of masonry for stiffness and resistance definition. 

Insert the type of restrain: "1" for top of wall not restrained and "2" for top of wall fully fix  

The following results are shown: 1) Stiffness 2) Shear resistance for failure mechanism of axial force combine with bending moment 3) Shear resistance for slip mechanism 4) Shear resistance for diagonal cracking mechanism.

By clicking on the button at the end of this page you can buy the following Ti-n spire applications for structural engineering:

(A) SCEC3 (Steel columns design)
(B) BD17 (Bolt and steel plate resistance calculation)

(C) RCBD (Reinforced concrete section design)

(D) WD (Weld base resistance calculation)

(E) Concrete property calculator

(F) BenPlusForce
(G) Masonry17

For purchase the application click on the button at the end of this page.

IQM - Indice della qualità della muratura

Questa semplice applicazione consente di definire dei coefficienti specifici per ogni tipo di muratura atti ad indicarne qualitativamente la resistenza al taglio, nel piano e fuori dal piano principale. I parametri che governano la valutazione sono: 1) Qualità della malta 2) Presenza di diatoni 3) Forma degli elementi resistenti 4) Sfalzamento dei giunti verticali 5) Presenza di filari orizzontali 6) Dimensione degli elementi resistenti 7) Qualità degli elementi resistenti. La valutazione segue rigorosamente le indicazioni presenti in letteratura le quali permettono di ottenere dei valori qualitativi. 

RD - Reinforcement data

RDAN can be used with TI-Nspire calculators for reinforcement data calculation. It can provide a reinforcement specification. It represents an optimum solution to suit user and code criteria. Calculations and details of the selected solution can be printed on screen.  This application works for TI-Nspire calculators and ca be program for any other calculators. 

Purchase  all the Ti-NSpire structural applications

With the above "Buy" button you can buy the following Ti-n spire applications for structural engineering:

(A) SCEC3 (Steel columns design) 
(B) BD17 (Bolt and steel plate resistance calculation)

(C) RCBD (Reinforced concrete section design)  

(D) WD (Weld base resistance calculation)

(E) Concrete property calculator

(F) BenPlusForce

(G) Masonry17

Purchase request

Please find below the guide for "How to launch the Applications".